What is that all about..?

On June 28, 1914 a single shot from a young student named Garvilo Princip started an event, which shaped the world to what it is today. The two shots gave Austria an excuse that led to the event, which was called "the war to end all wars" (or the First World War) but its result was contrary. Instead of ending all wars, it laid the foundation for the Second World War, the Soviet Union, the Middle East wars, the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Although the reasons of why the war had started are still often debatable and the two bullets that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, his wife Sophie and their unborn child, could be seen as the trigger with a too obvious outcome. However, the most important event since the Napoleon (or maybe even since Constantine the Great who may be seen as the biggest influence for the spread of Christianity) and the industrial revolution is now being out-shadowed by the Second World War.

There were many fronts of the First World War: Galipoli, Africa, the Far East, the Eastern Front, war at sea and, of course, the Western Front. The later is the icon of suffering and war terror. Soldiers drowning in their own blood and mud - the suffering was in contrast of the iconic blooming poppies, whose red colour plays along so well with the ground, soaked with the bright read blood of all the soldiers, animals, civilians of all the nations, cultural heritage and religions.

The war to end all wars failed. The conflicts between people, as well as between them and other kind of life forms, continues on a global scale like it had not be seen before. Ecocide, genocide, culturecide - became a daily events like breakfast tea (or coffee). Each year people celebrate the "Victory day" which ended the World War II forgetting the suffering it brought to some nations as it meant occupation and repressions and not any kind of victory and freedom. Right until now some countries did not answer for their crimes against other nations due to political inconvenience this might cause. It seems that our short term memory became even shorter.

Today a similar pattern that led to the Great War might be seen: alliances bound the world and prevent some countries from attacking one but not the other; imperialistic ambitions and feeling of superiority flourish and give the "right" to judge, destroy and kill; the chase of growth is dominant and the excuse for an attack can be easily found (Ukraine is just a most recent example).

In an effort to remind all the horrors the industrialized war conflicts bring, I will walk across the Western front - from the Switzerland border to the Northern Sea. This is a Peace Walk - a walk to end all wars. Both inter- and intra- species.

I will try to post during my trip, but I do not know how successful I will be. However, I will write a journal all the way and will post it here after I will return.


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