
Showing posts from October, 2015

July 3: finally (or "the day when happiness and sorrow blended in one")

I decided to split the story in two parts: the historical part about the sites, and the trip itself, which would include stories about the people I met and things that happened. It's hard to distinguish them but I thought this might be more "user friendly" Part 1: the history and the sites Alain offered me some tea and breakfast. They asked if I needed anything more before I hit the road ("...Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more..."). They discussed something among themselves and later told me: "Marie will take you with car, because it's up on the mountain". So I paid my farewell to Alain and we took off with Marie. We drove to Montsec monument - one of the eleven monuments erected by the Americans in Europe in memory of the First World War. Montesc American monument. Huge.  Monumental Classic style "rotund" (I'm there just for scale) Montesc American Monument. " This is one of el...